a carrd made by tìjání, to educate about certain things that may have misinfo surrounding them or things that may be harmful!
(more things can be added in the future.)
Starting off with "XENOIDS"
WHAT ARE XENOIDS?: xenoids also known as xenoidentities are identities that connect to objects, games ... similiar to xenogenders just without the gender part.SOUNDS GOOD! WHY ARE THEY BAD THO?: a lot of people may not be aware of this label and the concept seems cool BUT this label made it's first appearance on twitter while the xenogender discourse started trending. there is no specific coiner to my research but i can tell you that this term was made by truscums/transmeds/exclusionists. this label originally was made to anti xenogender users so they can once again approve to transphobes ..... (smh)
this label also coined "nicknouns" aka nicknames that are nouns, again similiar to xenopronouns - yet again using nicknouns to anti nounpronouns(these people tend to spread misinfo by saying nounpronouns/xenos are ableist/transphobic. they are not!)
RESOURCES ABOUT XENOIDS NOT TO TRUST AND SHARE: these carrds are harmful and spread misinfo (also use outdated terms.) do not use them to educate yourself on this topic
1. 2.
xenogender is a label under the nonbinary umbrella - a gender that cannot be contained by human understandings of gender
you may see a lot of people claiming this label was made by an autistic person for autistic people, this is not true. the coiner for this label is not autistic! a lot of autistic people do use this label to describe their gender in a better way. (and it's also proven that some autistic people perceive gender/sexuality differently than allistics!) this term is also mostly a reclaimed term as people mock trans people by describing their gender as objects etc.!
OTHER LABELS?: as the term was heavily critizied, there are other terms such as: rosboy or finboy
both of the labels having similiar meanings to femboy.
tho a lot of femboys have stated that forcing them into using these terms is disrespectful and seems censoring, as well seems to erase the femboy history.
femboys are also not always associated with nsfw, do not assume.
WHAT IS A FEMBOY?: someone who is male-aligned that likes to present as feminine. the feminine part does not change the persons gender, tho a lot of femboys may identify with labels like bigender! this label does not change the persons sexuality either (a femboy can be straight, bi, gay and so on.)FEMBOY HISTORY: the slang "femboy" (short for feminine boy) originated in the 1990s to describe "effeminate" men who represent themselves femininely by wearing fem clothing, and the first online community dedicated to it was created in the form of "Boi Fancy" in 2001! the term was reclaimed like other terms you may know! (queer ..)SO..IS IT A SLUR?: you may have noticed people spreading wrong info about this term on the internet about it being a slur/derogatory term towards transfems/women. and simply it's not a slur or derogatory term (unless used as a derogatory term!) .. like every other male term. yes, it IS wrong to use this term on transfems/women unless they state they are OK with the term. context matters! almost every queer word in the lgbtq+ community has been originally a slur.
anytime people explain that alters are their own people, they completely forget that we still stem from the same brain fragments/personality that split in childhood. the reason why DID is not called MPD anymore is mostly because DID is so much more and much more complex than just a "split personality/personality disorder" but that doesn't mean that we aren't from the same personality. we may have our own thoughts, likes, dislikes .... but we are still the same person as we all come from the same brain fragments! thus we cannot claim to have things the body does not have.
PSEUDOMEMORIES: "a fake memory, such as a spurious recollection of events that never took place, as opposed to a memory that is merely inaccurate" - these memories occur in alters especially introjects quite often. introjects often end up being attached to these fake memories or share them with other introjects. (sourcemates: an introject that shares the same media as another introject) this can often lead to dangerous situations as mentioned those "memories" are not real and you are discussing fake things with a complete stranger (introjects are NOT their source.)
WHAT IS ALTER RACE?: alter race is when an alter from a system claims to be a race that the body isn't. this is not possible, yes you may look different in headspace but you are still the race your body is (see: "DID MISINFO) - this includes when you claim to have memories from that "culture", those memories aren't real as your brain makes them up. (see: "PSEUDOMEMORIES")
a common case is introjects using asian names/symbols ... because their source is an anime/manga - this is extremely offensive and claiming to be something you aren't is kinda ..err not right! (even if you might be source attached, you aren't your source.)
ALTER GENDER (TRANSFEM ALTERS IN (PERISEX) AFAB BODIES/TRANSMASC ALTERS IN (PERISEX) AMAB BODIES)?: as mentioned above and in "DID MISINFO" you cannot be something your body isn't. people who are (perisex) afab (tme/transmisogyny exempt) do not experience transmisogyny. yes, it may be possible that you are amab in the headspace but identify as feminine, in this case, do not call yourself trans, transfem or a transwoman (you can simply say you’re a woman.)
the same goes for people who are (perisex) amab but have a "transmasc alter" you simply do not experience the same as a transmasc person. (again, you can simply call yourself a man.)
1. is the term femboy offensive?
2. femboy wiki
3. femboy wiki 2
1. history of DID
2. what are pseudomemories?
3. transmisogyny
4. transmisogyny 2
5. transfem alters don't exist in afab bodies
6. asian names and introjects
1. xenoid wiki
2. archive
3. xeno coiner info
4. xenoids suck!
5. autism and gender
6. autism and gender 2